Fall is starting to arrive for us and I don’t know about you, but I love the change of seasons! Most people might think that because we live in the desert we don’t really have seasons. That’s simply not true. We have four! Hot summer, Not-as-hot fall, Brown grass winter, and Blown-away-grass spring!
We are also entering a new season of ranch life! As all of you who have been here know, Patricia stays super busy! Not only in the kitchen preparing some of your favorite meals, but also behind the scenes managing the business side of things. That is why she has asked me to help her with the ranch blog and social media. Yes, Kim will be flattered that for a split second you thought he was at the computer typing this, and I’ll make sure to send your votes of confidence along to him! Instead, this is Becca, Kim and Patricia’s Daughter-in-law. And, the real reason she asked for my help is so she could play with Teagan! Our secret, as I write this I can hear them in the other room crawling around and mooing like cows. I’ll know nothing of this conversation if you try to tattle on me!
Just as Patricia needed some help, so did Kim. That man is busier than Mustard trying to Ketchup! The timing worked out perfectly and when Kim and Patricia offered a fulltime job to Tye he came home and told me to think about it. I asked him why we needed to think about it, then we drove back to their house and gave them an answer! This is where Tye was born and raised and it has always been his dream to return to the ranch fulltime, but we didn’t think it would be possible for another fifteen or twenty years. Kim and Tye work really well together, and I know they are both grateful for the time they get to spend together. This will ease Kim’s load quite a bit and allow him to focus more on the guests as well. I really like it, because when Tye was working in town we didn’t get to see much of him. Now he’s home for lunch and dinner everyday, and Teagan loves going with Daddy to feed cows or drive the tractor!
Now, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting quite a few of you and hopefully those of you that I haven’t met will make a return visit! If you’ve never been here and don’t really know who any of us are, come on! For those of you that I have not met I’ll give you a little bit of back-story. Tye and I met, literally on the side of the road, in May of 2006. After haggling my phone number from my brother, he called and convinced me to go on a date with him. That was pretty much it and I was all in! Of course, I didn’t let him know that and really made him chase me! You men might think I’m cruel, but you ladies understand! Anything worth having is worth working for, right? We were married in September of 2008 and welcomed our greatest blessing in October of 2011 with the birth of Teagan! Before I met Tye I knew nothing of ranch life, so I can appreciate how most of you feel when you come here for the first time! A lot of excitement and a little bit of head scratching! I have come to love this life though and realize that I’m richly blessed because of it. By the way you might have noticed by my extensive use of exclamation points that I’m an animated speaker, and that’s how I write also. If this is one of your pet peeves, please forgive me!!!
To wrap this up, it’s no secret that Patricia is a good cook! I have been sitting at the table many times when someone has raved about the food or asked for a recipe. So, one of the things we have talked about doing on the blog is a monthly feature. In this feature I’ll post one of your favorite recipes, so I’ll need feedback on what your favorites are! I love good food, but creativity is what makes my blood flow, so I’ll also post a tutorial occasionally for DIY Décor so you can incorporate a little ranch style in your own home. Okay, men I saw you yawn! Please tell me what you would like to see featured and we’ll make it happen!
Here’s to the changing of seasons!
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