Specialty Weeks at Burnt Well Ranch
Authentic Old West Style Cattle Drives
Our authentic “old west” style cattle drives are for adults who are in pretty good shape, as we are out on the range land for the duration of the drive. We will be actually driving cattle for miles and living out under the stars just as the cowboys did before trains and trucks came in to being. At times the weather can be trying and unpleasant. We start early, sometimes driving cattle by sun up and will try to be at camp by early afternoon. This drive can be between ten and fifteen miles a day depending on the location and you can expect to be in the saddle from 5-11 hours a day.
This drive is for adventurous adults with plenty of stick-to-itiveness! The stuff memories, stories and bucket lists are made of.
(If in doubt that these types of weeks are for you, please remember that the cattle work and cattle driving that we do here at the ranch on many of our ‘regular all/inclusive’ ranch stay is as much, if not much MORE, than most DUDE ranches boast of doing as their cattle drives. We will have you in the saddle as much as you want and are confident that we can expose and involve you in authentic ranch life. It’s just that these weeks do not include camping out. )
“A man earns his place here, it ain’t made for him—often he earns the name by which he’s called. I reckon it’s the same all over—only this is rawer.” James B. Hendryx, The Texan: A Story of the Cattle Country
Upcoming Cattle Drives
2024 Fall Cattle drives: (spots go on a 1st deposit received basis)
September 15-20 (SOLD OUT)
October 13-18 (SOLD OUT)
Keep and eye out, we will begin taking reservations for the 2025 cattle drive season this fall, when the new dates have been posted here. Spots go on a 1st deposit received basis, we don’t keep a waiting list, however we do keep your inquiries/reservations requests in our follow-up system for approximately 120 days .
We will camp out on the trail at night, fill our bellies with delicious dutch oven meals and drive the cattle to their destination. We will provide you with a cowboy bedroll, cot, cowboy teepee, horse and tack. These weeks are adult only and limited to 10 riders.
Rates & Booking Information
- Five-day event, afternoon arrival
- Cost per person $3,100 plus tax
- Prices include meals, horse & tack, bedroll, etc.
- Space is limited to 12 guests per event, based on deposit received
- Free airport transfer from the Roswell Airport