I know sometimes we might have seemed like a broken record, going on and on about how desperately we need rain. Because of that, we thought it might be good to share some of the details, typically kept private, in order for everyone to understand just how much relief the 6 to 8 inches of rain that’s fallen around the ranch has brought us!

If you’ve been to Burnt Well or seen pictures from the last 3 years you know it’s been dry.  Crispy might be a better term, or maybe we should just say the ground really was burnt well?  Spring of 2010 was the last time we had rain and there’s been little to no grass for the livestock to eat.  At first we just had to feed twice a week, then it got to be an every-other-day thing, and this year it had become a daily chore.  Feeding is no small task and it takes about 4 hours to drive around the ranch and get everything fed.  At 15,000 acres we are considered a small ranch, can you imagine how long it takes for the bigger ranches in the area!  More than the time is the expense; since 2010 we have invested about $1,000 of feed per animal.  Thanks to the rainfall, gorgeous green grass is growing and we haven’t had to feed in nearly a month!  We may not even have to feed again until winter! 

It’s easy to see why so many ranchers have had to sell out and move to town.  Honestly, Chesser Ranch would be no different, but Burnt Well Guest Ranch was born from the last drought, and it is what has sustained us through this drought.  We are tremendously grateful to God for the rain that he has sent, and to each one of you who have chosen to spend your hard earned money on a vacation to Burnt Well!  Enjoy these beautiful pictures!


On The morning of July 1st we woke up to 2 inches of rain!  (Tye and Becca's house gauge)

On the morning of July 1st we woke up to 2 inches of rain! (Tye and Becca’s house gauge)

3.6 inches of rain at the cattle guard!

3.6 inches of rain at the cattle guard!

Crossing Made Draw

Crossing Made Draw

Standing water! Rare sight at our turn off!

Standing water! Rare sight at our turn off!


Crossing the first draw on the YO

Crossing the first draw on the YO


Two weeks later Becca took these pictures on her way back from town.

Beautiful rainy, foggy day!

Beautiful rainy, foggy day!

More standing water soaking into the ground!

More standing water soaking into the ground!


The horses were loving all this new growth

This dirt tank is where many of you have gone shooting.  You'd be under water now!

This dirt tank is where many of you have gone shooting. You’d be under water now!

Beautiful flowers everywhere!

Beautiful flowers everywhere!

The draw near Kim and Patricia's house

The draw near Kim and Patricia’s house

Looking down on Burnt Well

Looking down on Burnt Well


The following pictures are comparisons and they really show just how much it has changed!

The photo on the far right was taken the day before it rained, nothing in the pasture but dirt! The middle photo was taken two weeks ago, and the photo on the far right was taken yesterday.  It's amazing how much it has changed in one month!

The photo on the far right was taken the day before it rained, nothing in the pasture but dirt! The middle photo was taken two weeks ago, and the photo on the far right was taken yesterday. It’s amazing how much it has changed in one month!

Looking out from the hill above Tye and Becca's house.  Left taken two weeks ago, right taken yesterday.

Looking out from the hill above Tye and Becca’s house. Left taken two weeks ago, right taken yesterday.

Near the cattle guard. Left taken two weeks ago, right taken yesterday.

Near the cattle guard. Left taken two weeks ago, right taken yesterday.

So beautiful.  Taken yesterday

Look at all that green grass!

Just east of Tye and Becca's.  a month ago, it was just dirt!

Looking east from Tye and Becca’s House. A month ago it was just dirt!









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