American Cowboy article
There is a paragraph about Burnt Well Guest Ranch in the American Cowboy June/July issue in “The Best Ranch Vacations of the West” article. It reads: Why go: In the few short years since opening in 2003, the Chesser family has built an intensely…
Well, I got caught in another whirlwind and over two weeks have gone by! We had a great group for the cattle drive!! Great sports in spite of some very unfavorable circumstances out of our control! We took the puppies along, their 4 weeks old…
Blooming Yucca’s
The Spanish Daggers (Yucca’s) are blooming everywhere! They’re so beautiful! Here’s a shot of some of the ones near the bunkhouse. You can see Gravy in the foreground sniffing out something? Oh, by the way, our Border Collie, Biscuit,…
A Crazy Few Weeks!
Where did the time go! Lots going on! Since I last wrote, Patricia’s mom lost her husband to a very quick battle with Lymphoma. Our sympathies go out to her! The same week Tim Ballard (Kim’s ‘cattle drive’ right hand man and Tye’s…
Spring Break guests
We just completed two weeks of two amazing and delightful families each of those weeks. Thank you to the Mathison’s and Boyce’s for sharing your sweet, healthy families with us! You make what we do here at Burnt Well Guest Ranch feel FAR…
Thirsty cows!!
We had a close call this week with our cattle on the Kerr Ranch that we lease from the city of Roswell. The man that lives on that place called Wednesday night to tell us that the cows were out of water. He had noticed that they were hanging…
Coyote at the house
One morning earlier this week Patricia looked out the bedroom window and there was a coyote standing on the other side of the yard fence next to the stock tank looking at the house and the cats! They are getting thick! Hence our drastically…
We were mentioned in “Southwest meetingsg + events” publication
When I picked up the mail yesterday, there was a “Southwest meetings + events” publication with a couple paragraph on Burnt Well in the “Hey Dude” article, written by Christine Bailey, beginning on page 33. Here’s what was said, ‘Most…
Cold days then warm days!
We had yet another snow earlier this week, giving us a total snow fall this winter of over 2 feet! That’s a lot for us! It was quickly followed by warm sunny days, so it didn’t stay around for long. Kim took 19 yearling heifers to the sale…